Hawaii 2014: Medici’s – Trio with John Kolivas and…

From the Medici’s Jazz Club Facebook page:
We have a really special treat for you on Thursday, June 19, when top jazz pianist Francesco Crosara will be our guest artist, visiting from California. He will be joined by two of our best local musicians John Kolivas, bass; and Darryl Pellegrini, drums.
When: THURSDAY, JUNE 19, 2014, 7:30-10:30 PM
Where: MEDICI’S, in Manoa Marketplace (near Paesano’s, next to Manoa Laundry) 2754 Woodlawn Dr., #7-103, Honolulu HI
Who: Francesco Crosara, piano; John Kolivas, bass; and Darryl Pellegrini, drums
Cost: $15 General / $10 Students
Food: BYOB; Pupus and Pizza will also be available at a nominal cost
Parking: Free